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Key takeaways from 2023’s Advanced Therapies Week in Miami

By Jennifer Fenwick


Advanced Therapies Week in Miami kicked of the year with the theme of patient accessibility. As the advanced therapy medical products (ATMP) industry focuses on growth and scaling up, World Courier’s Jennifer Fenwick, Senior Manager, Personalized Supply Chain, joined Dr. Matthew Lakelin, Co-Founder, TrakCel, in giving an exciting presentation with a very practical flavour to try to assist therapy sponsors that are looking at moving to clinical trial, or scaling up to commercial supply in the near future.

In this recap, we give a round-up of key takeaways from both speakers that offers insights into the practicalities and pitfalls of orchestrating autologous therapies while keeping logistical considerations front of mind.


About The Author

Jennifer Fenwick
Senior Manager, Personalized Supply Chain
World Courier
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