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Video: Logistics Leaders - How Has the Asian Market Changed?

By George Low, Stanley Soh

Video Transcript:

George Low: The clinical trial environment has changed significantly from today, as opposed to a few years back. There's a tremendous slant towards regulatory and compliance.

Stanley Soh: Good service is still very important. Pricing, as well, is just as important, but another that element that has come in is on the focus on compliance and on quality assurance. What they are looking for is not just your normal ISO standard or 9001, or 14001, but they are really looking for a quality system that is aligned to the various good practises that regulators are starting to push out. At same time, they are focusing on compliance of their vendors, which includes World Courier as one of their vendors as well.

George Low: It's a lot stricter. For example, in terms of handling of shipments, if I were to pick a temperature control shipments, the guidelines to handling temperature control shipments with regards to GDP, the good distribution practises is a lot more stringent.

Stanley Soh: That's something that we are seeing happening more frequently over the last few years.

George Low: Moving forward, this is even going to be more regulated with the governments in APAC.


About The Authors

George Low
Director of South East Asia
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Stanley Soh
Senior Regional Quality Manager, APAC
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