Delivering direct-to-patient trial success: Does central dispensing hold the key?
By World Courier
A decentralized trial (DCT) is an alternative approach to clinical trials that sees patients treated remotely — in their own homes, at their local clinics, or elsewhere in their own communities — instead of on a clinical research site.
Direct-to-patient (DtP) and direct-from-patient (DfP) transport services are key to an effective DCT. DtP is the delivery of medication, including investigational medicinal products (IMP) and ancillaries, to a patient. Meanwhile, DfP is the collection of biological samples and unused IMP or supplies from the patient in clinical trials.
However, direct-to-and-from-patient (DxP) delivery does pose obstacles that must be addressed to minimize any negative impact on the success of a DCT. In this whitepaper, we will ask the question as to whether DtP holds the key to DCT success, looking deeper into:
- The role of DtP services in maximizing the benefits of decentralized trial models
- Overcoming DtP complexities with central dispensing
- Five steps to building an effective central dispensing mode.