BHH Series - What are decentralized clinical trials and are they here to stay
By Andrea Zobel
Watch the recording of the discussion
On September 8th, Barcelona Health Hub hosted a new episode of its BHHSeries in collaboration with Suvoda.
Andrea Zobel, Senior Director, Personalized Supply Chain, at World Courier joined the discussion alongside Henk Dieteren, Clinical Supply Chain Solutions Consultant of Suvoda, and Aneta Woroniecka-Osio, MD, Clinical Project Manager / DCT Leadership of Bayer.
The topics covered included:
- What are decentralized clinical trials?
- What does the decentralized trials global landscape look like?
- What is a Direct to Patient (DtP) trial?
- How has COVID been an inflection point for DtP trials?
- How have trial designs shifted and supply chain strategies changed to accommodate for an increased need for flexibility and decentralization?
- What are some of the barriers clinical trials stakeholders are experiencing to implement these kinds of trials? Any difference between regions?
- Are decentralized trials the future of clinical trials designs going forward?
"Before COVID-19 World Courier handled nearly 2,000 DtP shipments per month. This increased to more than 5,000 during the pandemic and now we handle approximately 3,000 shipments per month." said Andrea as she shared her expertise on decentralized trials logistics from data privacy and patient safety to the needed standardized approach to communication and coordination.
Watch the recording below and visit Barcelona Health Hub to learn more.