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Welcome to the virtual reality facility tours

QR code VR tour website


QR code VR tour website

To live the full experience, we recommend you to access this page from your mobile phone by scanning the QR code.

Select the tour you would like to take, slide the VR viewer out of the sleeve, pop it up to form a rectangle, swing the lens mask into the tabs at the base, swing down the nose column into the tab, insert your smartphone and let us guide you through our facilities.

QR code VR tour website

Take a 360º tour of our storage facilities

For an immersive experience, once you join the video, turn your head from side to side or drag and drop with your mouse on the video screen.

VR CSS IST square

Clinical shipment


VR CSS MEL square

Commercial shipment


VR CSS TYO square

Cell and Gene Therapy


Depot guide FY22 thumbnail landscape

Depot guide

Depot guide FY22 thumbnail landscape

Discover how storage and distribution experts can address the need for a flexible supply chain by streamlining operational processes and protecting your investment from inception to commercialization.

Depot guide FY22 thumbnail landscape

Ready to see how we can help your business moving?